Honor Your Greatness

Honoring you is not optional if you’re going to make it.  This life is not easy and you need your greatness cultivated and activated to walk in power. You’re planted in Christ and to be true to yourself, sometimes you have to be honest about people.
Your life is your garden.  Whatever we allow to be planted in our garden will either compete with or compliment our greatness. Just because people want to hold you, that does not mean that they can  handle the requirements of you.  Your garden has conditions that protect your greatness.
Put this in your spirit:Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm” (Proverbs 13:20).  Notice that God did not say that meeting or removing foolishness was the problem, He said the problem is turning foolery into a companion — allowing it or them to become planted in your garden will cause you to suffer harm.
Sometimes, we have to weed, remove people from our personal life to protect our garden.  The only people who will have a problem with you weeding your garden are the weeds in your garden. A friend to your weakness is an enemy to your greatness, your happiness, your relationship  and your business.
The whole point of watering your garden is to nurture your greatness, build up your strength and to prosper.  Put this in your spirit: “Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers” (3 John 1:2). 
You cannot prosper in your soul with people in your life or your head who cannot walk in agreement with the requirements of you.  The bible says, “Do two walk together, unless they have agreed?” (Amos 3:3).  Anybody who wants to walk with you, to be a companion to you, has to be able to walk in agreement with God’s plans for your life (Jeremiah 29:11).  If they cannot, you have to be OK with loving them away from you.  
This is your life and walking out your faith, maintaining your sanity, pushing to your next levels of greatness is not easy. If you’re not good to you, you cannot be good for your greatness. 
Your mind and the mind, mentality and behavior of the people around you have to honor your greatness if you’re going to prosper.  It’s not personal, it’s destiny.  Sometimes, to honor your greatness, you have to keep weeds in your prayers and put them out of your life.
Share and be blessed.
Pastor Patrick
Join us at the HILL, FAITHHILL CHURCH in San Leandro, CA, every Sunday @ 9:30AM for worship in real talk for real people for real power.
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