God Is Growing You

God uses some of the most difficult situations, experiences in life to grow us forward.  When the worst happens, difficult shows up or a life lesson comes to teach, God has a plan in it.  Sometimes it takes an overwhelming breakdown to get our overwhelming breakthroughs in life.  
When it’s time to grow, one of the hardest things for us to do is to challenge the negative thoughts and feelings that come from growing pains. Our reaction to experiences, good and bad, tell us what we think and believe the impact is to our plans, hopes and dreams.
Have you asked yourself, “What is the source of the feeling or what do the feelings say about what you perceive and believe to be true?” Truth: Persistent, negative feelings almost always mean it’s time to stand up  against a lie, a negative view of our potential or value, or doubt in God’s promise (2 Corinthians 10:5).
Put this in your spirit: “All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely (1 Corinthians 13:12).  God is saying, “Feelings tell us what we see and know about today but hope tells us that today’s problem is preparation for tomorrow’s power.”  In other words, God prepares us for the future through today’s experiences.
God sees in full what we see in part.  We see today, God sees destiny.  We see what we want, God sees what we need for the future.  We see hurt, God sees maturing, growing, evolving. We see loss, God sees gain for potential, promise and His plans for us.  You see the worst thing that could have ever happened, God sees a door opening for the best thing that could ever happen for your destiny (Romans 8:28, Ephesians 1:11). 
In every experience there’s a reaction, a decision and an action.  After we’ve reacted to or felt the experience, we only have one of two places to go with those feelings.  We can go deeper into our feelings or go higher in our purpose.  We have the power and the control to do either, and whichever one we choose will decide our actions.  Feelings that keep us stuck, miserable or fearful are based on False Evidence Appearing Real — FEAR.
We’ve all sat in our feelings — unforgiveness, guilt, sadness, anger, grief and unhappiness, longer than we should have, and we know that nothing good has ever come from it.  We’ve put our lives on hold, we’ve hurt ourselves because someone hurt us and we’ve allowed lingering feelings to make us bitter and not better.  It can take time, and sometimes it will take help but the destiny mind knows that it’s OK to have a breakdown as long as we don’t unpack and stay there.  
We walk in destiny and potential even while we’re walking through a valley. Put this in your spirit: We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation (Romans 5;3-4). Destiny says, “No matter what, I win.”
When we rise up and walk out of negative feelings, we choose destiny over defeat.  We choose to put our faith in God’s plan.  We choose to work through it and to grow from it.  When we choose destiny, we choose to balance life with truth, and to trust God’s plans for our life (Jeremiah 29:11).  When we choose destiny, we choose to intentionally refuse every lie that comes up against our truth, and to declare victory in advance. 
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Visit Faithhill every Sunday in San Leandro, CA.  Services start at 9:30AM.